Born Hungry
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纪录片 | 加拿大 | 1小时17分钟
首播:2024-04-26(Hot Docs 国际纪录片影展)

Canadian filmmaker Barry Avrich traces the inspiring story of Sash Simpson, a runaway child from the streets of India who was adopted by a Canadian family and became one of the top chefs in the world. Avrich and his team share their challenges and experiences in crafting this story of how incomparable talent and artistry triumph over adversity. Sash, a fine-dining establishment in an upscale Toronto neighbourhood, is a world away from its well-known chef’s humble beginnings on the streets of Chennai as a seven-year-old street kid hustling for survival. Sash Simpson’s journey of working his way through the ranks of North 44 while fostering dreams of opening his own restaurant is nothing short of astonishing. Now, on his return to India for the first time since he was adopted into a Toronto family with 31 siblings (a remarkable tale of its own), Simpson embarks on a culinary tasting tour with adventurous local chefs. Memories are stirred by the vibrant smells and sights of bustling metropolises where Simpson looks for clues about his early days, including finding the movie theatre he used to clean in exchange for a place to sleep. The contrast between his present and past is stark but provides a chance for closure to questions he’s harboured about his origins for so long.

导演: Barry Avrich
状态: 未上映
原始语言: 英语
关键词: 纪录片
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